- When Will God Answer Me? | Scivias: Episode 2

You want to know and you're asking, but why is God taking so long to tell you His plan for your life?

Yes, you want to do his will, but how undivided is your heart? Do you really desire his will above all other things? Our hearts are often divided because we love other things that we’re not ready to give up. We don’t experience detachment. Detachment means I’m not “attached” to any particular thing, I’m willing to do whatever the Lord wills because He wills it. Not that Jesus is going to take those things away from you, but do you trust him? If He asked you to give something up, are you free to say yes to Him? Ultimately He wants you to be happy and holy, and He’s going to satisfy the deepest desires of your heart, but chances are you have fears that are preventing you from following Him, from saying yes.

When will God tell you your vocation? When you’re ready to hear it. He’s going to fully reveal His Will
when you’re able to say “yes” to it. Until then, we’ve got work to do. If you're ready for this work, “Scivias: Know the Ways of the Lord,” is a vocational discernment video series that will help you grow closer to Jesus and be free hear His voice and respond to His calling. Over the course of 27 short episodes, join Fr. Michael Zimmerman as he explores the Archdiocese of Boston and the depths of our souls. Be inspired and receive the practical tips you need to discover who God has made you to be.

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